Sunday, November 28, 2010
Barcelona vs Real Madrid Match Prediction
However, based on some football observers, the battle of El Clasico between Real Madrid vs Barcelona this year is difficult to predict. Though in fact in the last four meetings between Barcelona vs Real Madrid is always won by Barcelona. But now the atmosphere has changed. This time Real Madrid has the figure of Jose Mourinho. Jose Mourinho has given ample evidence that he could cripple Barcelona when Jose Mourinho's courage to bring Inter Milan won the Champions League last season. Especially this concoction Real Madrid player who is in the hands of Jose Mourinho's many times more powerful than Inter Milan's squad at the time. So should it be easier for Mourinho to topple Barcelona in El Clasico war this time.
View a history of meeting Barcelona vs Madrid, Barcelona is more favored because of the victory was ruled Barecelona in El Clasico match in recent years. Especially in the historical record, Real Madrid rare victory at the Nou Camp, Barcelona headquarters.
In terms of mental players from both teams, they were equally impatient this El Clasico match. The plan, Barcelona and Real Madrid will lose a full squad. No major player is injured or exposed to punishment. This means that the audience will be treated by the midfield duel, contest the attack pattern, and tight defense.
On the front lines, Real Madrid have a very dangerous Ozil in send feedback. Statistics show that more than 90% of Ozil that always produce a goal. Cristiano Ronaldo, when he get just a little space, able to tear apart the defense of Barcelona. Conversely, Messi and David Villa is a very dangerous figure had opened fire from any angle. Plus Pedro appearance of increasingly sharp. But it has been proven that Messi is very dependent on one or two touch game with teammates. If this pattern is turned off, automatic sharpness Messi unstoppable.
El Clasico last nine meetings between Barcelona vs Real Madrid largely won by Barcelona. Therefore I decided Prediction Score between Barcelona vs Real Madrid in El Clasico match this time is: 50: 50.
Article Refference:
Prediksi Skor Barcelona vs Real Madrid El Clasico 2010
Prediksi Real Madrid vs Barcelona (Real Menang)
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Benefit from Ayurveda in your Everyday Life
Ayurveda is best understood as a way of life. But that does not prevent you from applying its basic principles to your everyday life, in order to benefit from them.
For instance, did you know that when you have a cold, avoiding dairy products and sweets helps you to recover faster? Or that when you are nervous -or anxious- eating salads is NOT the best idea? You might know however that when you are irritable -or angry- spicy foods are not recommendable.
It all depends on the state of your doshas. Doshas, or humors, are the three basic constitutional types pursuant to Ayurveda: Vata, Pitta and Kapha (collectively called the tridosha). The Vata energy is composed by air and ether. The Pitta energy is made up of fire and water. The Kapha energy is composed by Earth and Water.
Each of us has an Ayurvedic constitution, where one of the doshas predominates over the others. Some people are bi-doshic, meaning that two of their doshas are equally strong. Generally speaking, Ayurvedic body types are as follows:
Vata people are usually thin-framed, nervous, imaginative, artistic, sensitive, and creative. Pitta people are usually medium-framed, rational, sharp-minded, competitive and goal oriented people. Kapha people are usually more heavily framed and tend to be calm, caring, patient and compassionate.
When the natural balance in your doshas is deranged, ailments appear. So the way to health is to restore their natural balance. But how do you know which of your doshas is deranged?
How to know which of your doshas needs balancing
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Ayurvedic expert practitioners examine your radial pulse with their fingers (Nadi diagnosis) and are able to identify up to 95 per cent of all known diseases from your pulse alone. They also check your tongue, face, eyes, nails and lips. They look closely at your pathological symptoms and many factors involving your general lifestyle, behavior and diet, in order to make recommendations that will balance you. It is a very comprehensive and holistic way to diagnose.
And if you study and begin to understand Ayurveda, you realize that your own body can tell you many things. Because, as Dr. John Diamond says, “your body doesn’t lie”. If you are experiencing some ailments like depression, constipation, dizziness, restless mind, insomnia, sciatica, backache, rheumatoid arthritis, varicose veins, menstrual disorders, dry skin or even wrinkles, chances are that your Vata dosha has being deranged. Negative emotions like fear, anxiety, timidity, lack of confidence, apprehension or nervousness contribute to derange the Vata dosha.
But if you are experiencing some ailments like irritability, anger, bitter taste in the mouth, peptic ulcer, hypertension, migraine headache, liver disorder or hemorrhoids, chances are that your Pitta dosha has being deranged. Negative emotions like anger, hatred, intolerance, resentment, impatience, indignation or irritability contribute to derange the Pitta dosha.
On the other side, if you are feeling very lethargic or your are experiencing ailments like sore throat, bronchitis, emphysema, or sinus congestion, chances are that your Kapha dosha has been deranged. Lethargy and negative emotions like stubbornness, possessiveness, greed or jealousy contribute to derange the Kapha dosha.
A quick Tibetan test
Your body can also tell you in some simple ways. Just observe it.Tibetans, for instance, use a simple daily test to know when they have a tendency towards a derangement of Vata, Pitta or Kapha. They collect their urine in a clear transparent jar first thing in the morning. Then they check the urine’s appearance to determine if they have an excess of air (Vata), bile (Pitta) or phlegm (Kapha) in their bodies at that moment.
How can they tell? Simple. If the urine looks watery, almost transparent, there is an excess of air in their bodies (Vata). If the urine has a strong yellow or brownish appearance, fire (Pitta) is predominant in their bodies at that moment. If the urine looks very pale and foaming, there is a predominance of phlegm (Kapha) in their bodies.
How can you balance a Vata, Pitta or Kapha derangement?
Ayurveda offers many ways to heal and restore your natural balance and energy. A targeted diet to “pacify” your specific deranged dosha is one of them. These are the general principles:
To pacify Vata: Realize that Vata is cold and dry. So have hot drinks like ginger tea, or chamomile tea. Center your diet around broths, cheese (warm, not cold) –as long as you are not lactose intolerant- , carrots, onions and spinach –cooked, not raw- , garlic and spices.Avoid cold foods such as salads (because raw salads increase the air in your body) and ice cream. Generally speaking, avoid cold foods, raw foods and dry foods. Eat warm, oily, moist foods instead. Have also regular meal times. Regularity is important too.
To pacify Pitta: Realize that Pitta is hot. So balance it with cold light foods such as cool water, salads, yoghurt and cooling herbs. Avoid meat and alcohol. Also avoid sour, salty, fried and spicy foods. Boring diet? Not necessarily, since Pitta people can enjoy oatmeal or pancakes for breakfast, salads for lunch and rice dishes and pasta for dinner.
To balance Kapha: Realize that Kapha is heavy, cold and humid. So balance it with dry, light foods, spices, vegetables and salads. Avoid sweet and salty foods. Also avoid dairy foods (because they are heavy and produce mucus in your body), fried foods (because they are oily) and frozen foods. Wheat is not good for Kapha. But you can enjoy muesli (without wheat) for breakfast and drink apple juice instead of cold milk. You can also enjoy salads (but with very little oil-based dressing) for lunch and dishes with basmati rice (other types of rice are heavy) or millet, or baked apples with clove and cinnamon for dinner.
What about life styles, daily routines and leisure?
Generally speaking, Vata people need to introduce regularity to their lives. Routine is good to pacify Vata. Yoga, meditation or gentle –not exhausting- exercises are good for Vata. Pitta people, on the other hand, tend to be very organized and are sometimes too achievement-oriented, so relaxing things and activities that do not involve competition (like a relaxing walk, or water and winter sports) are good to pacify an excess of Pitta. Kapha people tend to dislike exercise, but can derive benefit from it once they are motivated. They can also benefit from activity vacations that sparkle new interests. Reviewing and changing their routine often is beneficial for Kapha people.
Any other Ayurvedic treatments?
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As previously said, Ayurveda expert practitioners resort to many ways to heal and restore your natural balance and energy. A targeted diet for your dosha is just one of them. They use pre-detoxification techniques like massage with oils specific for your dosha (or snehana karma), sweat therapies (or swedana karma), yoga, internal detoxification (orpanchakarma), herbal natural remedies, sound therapy (or manthra karma) and even rejuvenation therapies (or rasayana).
Ayurveda is not only about therapy. It also teaches you how to contact your own awareness, how to bring it into balance, and how to extend that balance to the body. Ayurveda is a natural holistic approach for your body, mind and spirit.
Fashion Jewelry For Fadz
It is an asset for those who use jewelry for fashion purposes. It is so called “costume jewelry” because it is used frequently for stage costume.
Gold over silver and silver over brass are the best combinations. Crystals are also having their own importance in the fashion jewelry. Ivory is mostly used in the preparation of jewelry for men. Acrylic and plastic are involved in the manufacturing of low value jewelry. Most of the products of costume jewelry are handcrafted.
Bracelets, Rings, chains, earrings, necklaces and pendants are most renowned items of costume jewelry. Gems like amber, aquamarine, and garnet, opal, freshwater pearl and amethyst are used in crafting of costume jewelry.
However, care should be taken of the costume jewelry to preserve the shiny appearance of it. You must wipe out the costume jewelry with a soft cloth since its shininess will be lost due to the sweat produced by the body. They must be preserved in smooth pouches and velvet boxes so that they may not become dull and its originality remains same. Dipping this jewelry in some strong solutions may disturb the glowing outlook of the jewelry. It may alter the color of stones on it and sprays, perfumes must be used before the wearing of this costume jewelry. They need some periodical maintenance like they should be rewashed in gold or silver. Dull gems in the costume jewelry are replaced by brighter and new gems to get brighter look.
मधुमेह के लिए घरेलू उपचार ..
Friday, November 26, 2010
दिव्य गैसहर चूर्ण...
इस चूरन के सेवन से भोजन का पाचन होकर उस से उत्पन्न होने वाले गैस,अमल्पित्त आदि रोग नही होता हैं|
भोजन के पश्चात पेट भारी होना,अफरा होना,दर्द,भोजन में अरुचि आदि रोगों से तुरंत लाभ करता है|
यह पेट की गैस तुरंत आराम करता है|
कफ रोगों का घरेलू उपचार...
चीनी ५० ग्राम
काली मिर्च २० ग्राम
सबका पावडर बना क्र सुरक्षित रख लें|
एक चम्मच शाम के खाने के बाद गुनगुने दूध से सेवन करने से जीर्ण कफ रोग,नजला-जुकाम में विशेष लाभ होता है|यह प्रयोग कब्ज दूर करता है|
जिनको मधुमेह हो वे व्यक्ति चीनी का प्रयोग न करें और जिनको अम्लपित्त हो वे काली मिर्च १० ग्राम मात्रा में ही प्रयोग करें|
बवासीर व अति मासिक्स्राव ...
- नारियल की दाढ़ी (भूरे रेशे) को जलाकर राख बना लें|रख को छानकर रख लें |तीन-तीन ग्राम नारियल की यह भस्म सुबह-दुपहर-शाम तीन बार खाली पेट छाछ से ले लें|यह प्रयोग केवल एक ही दिन करना है|एक बार लेने से ही बवासीर ठीक हो जाती है|यह प्रयोग मासिक-धर्म में अतिरक्तस्राव तथा श्वेतप्रदर में भी लाभदायक है|
- वमन,हैजा,हिचकी में इस भस्म को एक एक ग्राम की मात्रा में थोड़े जल के साथ सेवन करने से विशेष लाभ मिलता है|
पुरानी खांसी की दवा..
हृदय रोग,अम्लपित्त,उदर रोग या मोटापे से ;लाभप्रद लोकी का रस...
पुदीना सात पत्तियां
तुलसी की सात पत्तियां
सभी का एक कप रस निकाल कर प्रतिदिन प्रात: काल खाली पेट पीने से हृदय की धमनियों में हुए अवरोध भी खुल जाते है|और अम्लपित्त एवम समस्त हृदय रोगों का नाश करने के लिए लोकी के रस का सेवन नियमित रूप से करना चाहिए|
मोतियाबिंद 'नेत्रज्योति'
निम्बू का रस १०मिली
अदरक का रस १०मिली
शहद ५०मिली
सभी को मिलाकर रखें|नियमित रूप से २-२- बूँद दवा आँखों में डालने से मोतियाबिंद कट जाता है|ग्लूकोमा के रोगी का आँख का दबाव कम हो जाने से धीर धीरे ठीक हो जाता है|
मोटापा एवं मधुमेह नाशक दलिया...
चावल ५०० ग्राम
बाजरा ५०० ग्राम
साबुत मूंग ५०० ग्राम
सभी को समान मात्रा में लेकर सेक कर दलीय बना लें|इस में अज्वैन २० ग्राम तथा सफेद तिल पचास ग्राम भी मिला लें|आवश्यकता अनुसार लगभग ५० ग्राम दलिए को ४०० ग्राम पानी में डालकर पकाएं|स्वादानुसार सब्जियां और हल्का नमक मिला लें|नियमित रूप से १५-३० दिन तक दलिया का सेवन करने से मधुमेह समाप्त हो जाता है|मोटापे से पीड़ित हृदय रोगी इस दलिया का नियमित सेवन करने से अपना वजन कम कर सकता हैं|
Fashion Hairstyle Fall-Winter 2010-2011. Photos.
The ponytail was consummated at Louis Vuitton fashion show. Stylist Michael Kors made the hairdo more volumetric and textural with backcombing. It is the best hairstyle for windy weather. Preen refused of common scrunchies fastening the ponytails with complicated knots. We see an example of minimalism at Stella McCartney's fashion show.


Thursday, November 25, 2010
Michael Jackson's Latest Album
50 Cent, Akon and Lenny Kravitz come collaborate on Michael Jackson's latest album - In recent weeks, the world will be rocked with the release of the latest album from The King Of Pop, Michael Jackson on December 14, 2010. On the official website of Michael Jackson, the album is titled "Michael" this can be seen Track List of songs of Michael Jackson's latest album is. Ten songs is the number of songs that will fill the album. On this album Michael Jackson to collaborate with other singers like Akon, 50 Cent and Lenny Kravitz.
Two songs from Michael, "Breaking News" and "Hold My Hand" was to be heard. Breaking News on some time ago has been aired for one week on the website of Michael Jackson. Now Hold My Hand was able to be heard by way of purchase of digital singles.
The first single "Hold My Hand", a collaboration with Akon. This song has been recorded in 2007 and was leaked on the internet in 2008. "The world is not ready to listen to the song" Hold My Hand "a few years ago, we got worried. But now this song is finished and will be a great song and also beautiful. "
Akon told a little to MTV about the song, "I knew Michael was glad we were able to resolve the song together. I am very pleased with the achievement of the song "Hold My Hand". "
"That was the song I was working on and I let Michael listen to that song. When he listened to the song he liked. After that we immediately try to start working on that song again. "Akon also adds on MTV.
The song "Breaking News" became the first song released for publication of Michael Jackson's latest album this time. This song is reaping a lot of controversy about the authenticity of the singer voice in song. Starting from biological children to Michael Jackson's brother, Michael and Randy Jackson Pricne could announce and discuss if the singer in the song that was not Michael Jackson.
But the Michael Jackson's attorney stated that they had hired some people who are expert in sound engineering to clarify that it is the voice of Michael. People like Teddy Riley and Elliot Straite cooperation ever put into the name of participating analyze the voice.
Here is the Track List of Michael's album
1. Hold My Hand (duet with Akon)
2. Hollywood Tonight
3. Keep Your Head Up
4. (I Like) The Way You Love Me
5. Monster (Featuring 50 Cent)
6. Best Of Joy
7. Breaking News
8. (I Can not Make It) Another Day (Featuring Lenny Kravitz)
9. Behind The Mask
10. Much Too Soon
)..image source :
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy
Get lots of numerous benefits from Chiropractic Care while pregnant for mother and baby both.
It enables relief of many pregnancy symptoms including back pain, joint pain and nausea. It also aides in putting the spine is the best position along with the pelvis and other joints.
Different chiropractic techniques can be safely received shoulder pain and other treatments.
No force is ever applied to any joint or vertebra than what is needed this includes treatment of the young, sports players, frail seniors and pregnant women.
Spinal adjustments are easy on pregnant women due to the fact the joints have become soft.
90% of women receive relief from lower back pain after chiropractic treatments while pregnant along with pain relief from other symptoms such as headaches, carpal tunnel, sciatica and tendonitis.
It can also significantly decrease labor pain and delivery time.
Pregnant can greatly reduce the chances of back labor due to the fact of improved joint functioning and flexibility from the routine care.
After pregnancy It can aide in returning the body back to its normal state through therapies such as adjustments, muscle therapy and nutritional coaching.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Prince William and Kate Middleton Wedding Date
It is estimated that the official wedding date to be announced this weekend. The second option is in the summer, also in April and will take place in Westminster Abbey. Wedding in April along with the prince's father Willam month marriage, Prince Charles with His second wife, Camilla Parker, who married in Windsor, England, on 9 April, 2005.
Pair of Prince William and his fiancee, select a date in the spring because it is their favorite time. It is estimated that the wedding is not until the end of April, because Queen Elizabeth had to attend a big event during Lent and Easter.
"Prince William and Miss Middleton has been a specific date and wedding plans. Party of Prince William is also in consultation with all stakeholders. However, they are more realistic that there is much to consider," said one royal source, as quoted from
"The first option may be deemed inappropriate, so they chose a wedding date in the summer. The tradition of the royal wedding will take place on weekdays, usually on Friday and not Saturday," he added.
Next year, Lent lasts from Wednesday, March 9 through Saturday, April 23. Then Easter falls on Monday, April 25, which means that the marriage on April may occur between Tuesday, April 26 and Friday, April 29, 2011.
Prince William and Kate Middleton Wedding Ring
Toms Shoes

Black Toms Shoes
Monday, November 22, 2010
School District Hires Online Coordinator
The 2010 technology fee approved by voters pay his salary, district spokeswoman Sara Niegowski said. Issaquah students can receive up to two credits for taking online classes outside the district, with most classes average credit rating. Since 2007-08, the district has offered two online courses - software technology and health - which are in high demand of students during the summer months.
The classes are not offered each semester, but only if enough students register for them. Every 90 hours of classes costs $ 300, unless it is taken during the school day. The two-credit limit does not apply to online classes as it provides the district. Students taking online classes have to be disciplined and organized, CanAg said.
"Online learning is not only to a student at a computer," he said. "Also teaching strategies."
Alexandra Staikos, a sophomore at Skyline High School, was one of the 120 students taking health this summer. With health to his credit, said it could take more elective classes such as Upperclassman. (Article reference: School District Hires Online Coordinator)
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Latest Harry Potter Film Dominate Box Office, Watch Trailler
It is disappointing, the Daniel Radcliffe / Emma Watson film is a powerful way to having about $ 140 million to easily claim the top spot.
The film based on an aide ousted last week's winner, "Megamind" which is on track for second place with 16.5 million dollars, while "Unstoppable" is sitting in third place with projected revenues of $ 13 million.
Rounding out the top five are those of Robert Downey Jr. comedy "Expiration Date" ($ 8.7 million) and "the next three days" in fifth place with estimated revenues of $ 7.9 million.
Article reference:
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Interior Design Tips for a Comfortable Bedroom
Interior Design Tips for a Comfortable Bedroom
Here are three important items that should not be there if you want a comfortable bedroom and in accordance with its function:
1) Bed
A bedroom is not possible without a bed. A bed is an important part of this room and you want a comfortable bed so you can sleep soundly at night and fresh every morning. First choose a design to suit your style and your home - whether it's minimalist design, classic or contemporary, and you need to choose a soft mattress that supports your body size. Then after everything is fulfilled, protect your body and extra blankets quality carpet upholstery comfortable as your bedroom floor.
2) Wardrobe Clothes
A no less important cabinet of beds. Wardrobe serves to store your clothes. Designs can be created in tune with the bed. The function of the division of space inside can be customized to the needs and the amount of your clothing. if you prefer to fold the clothes and have no problem with ex-fold without having to iron again, it means you need to provide additional folding clothes more than the clothes hanging. If you want to maximize the room with a wardrobe is up to the ceiling, the top of the wardrobe space is difficult to reach, you can use as a place of rare items that you use every day, such as luggage, bed cover or cushion reserves.
3) Make-Up Table
Furniture which one is more dominated by women. Various equipment make-up, perfumes, beauty accessories into every corner of the dressing table dwellers. Dressers are usually fitted by a mirror, drawers and PUK to sit. The form can be made in accordance with the feel of the interior design bedrooms.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Long Nails Design
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Amber Rose and Kanye West Agree To End Relationship
"They're still good friends," said the source told Us. "Kanye has a busy schedule to record the return of records in Hawaii and had to end it all. When he was busy working, she can not handle a relationship. He tells Amber that she needed to devote all his work now for that."
Amber (27) accept it and not sulk. On the fourth weekend in July, Amber is shown being absorbed in making out with ex-lover Kim Kardashian, Reggie Bush, at the Axe Lounge, The Hamptons in New York City - when a song hits Kanye "Flashing Lights" reverberated through the speakers.
However, a second source tells Us: "I'm not saying the relationship was over forever for Kanye and Amber. Their relationship was always off-and because it makes them uncomfortable. He no longer likes to go out and Amber liked it, so that Kanye let him do things that pleases groove. I would not be surprised if they were seen together again next week. "
Nail Arts

Nail Animation, after u painting or coloring your Nails, you can take this cute animation in your nail which type who you like

Steelers boot Jeff Reed, sign Shaun Suisham
Suisham made 18 of 21 shots from the field of the Redskins in 2009 but was cut after missing a short field goal in overtime of a potential upset on the Saints. Suisham ended the season with the Cowboys, so two of three field goals in two regular season games and missing two of three in a playoff loss to the Vikings, including a 48-yard attempt that would have given the Cowboys a 3-0 lead.
As the team's franchise player in 2010, Reed received a guaranteed salary of $ 2,814,000. If it is claimed on waivers, Reed's new team will have to pay 1.15 million U.S. dollars on the balance of the season. If not claimed, Reed will pocket the balance of his salary for the Steelers - and he will be able to receive payment for his next team.
The Bengals currently do not have a kicker on the roster. But we can not imagine that any kicker Bengals pay $ 1.15 million for seven games.
Relevancy Article :
Prince William Engagement
"Prince William has told the queen and other members of the royal family close," the statement said. "Prince William also has pleaded blessing to the father of Miss Middleton."
The official statement added that the royal couple will live in North Wales, where William served in the British Royal Air Force. Engagement they have solved a long tradition of the British royal family wedding, because a number of reasons.
Unlike the other future queen, Miss Middleton, who came from Bucklebury in Berkshire, not from the kingdom, even though aristocratic class. His father is a former airline pilot and his mother was a former stewardess. The husband and wife run a successful business with the postal service to sell jewelry for children's party.
Also - much different from couples like Prince Charles and his first wife the late Princess of Wales Lady Diana --- or a young couple in a relationship openly for years.
When applying for Charles Lady Diana Spencer, the daughter of a noble title "earl" is considered a great couple to Charles, barely know each other.
Miss Middleton and Prince William have been dating since they met as fellow students at the University of St.. Andrews in Scotland, and in fact have been living together in the last year.
Long wait between the start of their romance and engagement announcements that have invited much comment, in which a number of tabloid called Miss Middleton as a "Waity Katie '(Katie Watcher), a reference to the fact that he had been waiting for William to ask her to marry him.
The love story they had experienced ups and downs. The couple separated several months in 2007, amid speculation that they always argued that the royal family worried by the social status of the family of Miss Middleton.
The royal family was also uncomfortable with the behavior of Mrs. Middleton (Kate's mother) who often chew gum and use words that are not aristocratic like "tolite" and "sorry" in front of Queen Elizabeth, Prince William's grandmother.
But the couple later reconciled, and she often appears to accompany William the Kingdom events, like when his girlfriend had been "a Knight of the Garter" in June.
Now speculation emerging. What date they will get married? Who will design the wedding dress of Miss Middleton? Who is Prince Harry's date which is the sister of Prince William?
Monday, November 15, 2010
The Great Fashion 2011
